Subscribers’ comments

Subscribers’ views on Parsiana/the community as expressed on the subscription renewal form are published. Unless another name is affixed to the remarks, Parsiana assumes they are written by the subscriber. Very good coverage of the Parsi community in India and abroad. Keep up the good work.                         DADI S. DALAL Madras Your publication gives a balanced view of the different viewpoints in the community. It is also very interesting to read news of the community from distant parts of the world. I will be happy to receive a list of books in your bookstore. Better still, please print it in one of your subsequent issues.                          FRENY P. GINWALLA Ahmedabad The editors reply: The printing of the list would occupy much space which we would rather devote to other editorial content. Good coverage and apt reporting. We always look forward to receiving Parsiana. JIMMY HORMUSJI Hyderabad Always appreciative of the coverage of events in the community. Balanced and unbiased reporting. Dr RODA N. PARDIWALA Receiving the copy of Parsiana every fortnight is a pleasure as it serves as a valuable platform for the Parsi community to showcase its talents and potential. It echoes every Parsi’s sentiment to increase our tribe and contribution.                                    FIROZ HOMI WYKES ...

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