Subscribers’ comments

Subscribers’ views on Parsiana/the community as expressed on the subscription renewal form are published. Unless another name is affixed to the remarks, Parsiana assumes they are written by the subscriber. When will we get some investigative journalism?                         E. F. BILLIMORIA Middlesex, England, UK The editors reply: When we can afford to hire more journalists and have the money to fund their investigations. And have a large enough legal kitty to pay for the legal fees we would incur in defending ourselves in the courts of law. • • • It’s been many years of our membership and my good wife Gool reads through all your publications and some of her good friends also read it. Thanks. Capt FALI N. DICK Very interesting and informative, Thank you! I particularly enjoyed Arnie Mehta’s "Merry month of May.” It brought back some memories of childhood. I am 86 now. I just read the editorial "The dakhma dilemma” which I found extremely interesting. I admired the publication’s courage in standing up to very well-known persons and giving independent views. Thanks once again. DOGDO MULLA-FEROZE Excellent.                       RASHNA HODIWALLA Poona ...

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