Our fading aura

These days we Parsis are in a nasty mood, almost always ready to fight;/ Fight, fight and fight, argue incessantly over things wrong and right/ Sadly, even when wrong, we always want to prove ourselves right/ About our rights, or what we supposedly think is right, fight we, with all our might. The decline is not just in our population; decreasing is also our charm, glory and might/ Our character and characteristics are stooping low, like a cut off falling kite/ If quickly we don’t do something about this area grey; we will lose our spark and light/ That halo which our ancestors painstakingly created; and soon poor will be our plight. As one foresees, today dim and fading is our aura, that beautiful white light/ Wake up let us, and move towards the light and not slide down towards a dark night. ARMIN DUTIA MOTASHAW Ahmedabad armindutiamotashaw@gmail.com ...

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Happy to report in Karachi community spirit is good and indigent and elderly as warmly taken care of.
- Sunnu Golwalla
- 09-Apr-2022


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