Subscribers’ comments

Subscribers’ views on Parsiana/the community as expressed on the subscription renewal form are published. Unless another name is affixed to the remarks, Parsiana assumes they are written by the subscriber. I am happy to note that Parsiana not only covers the news of Parsis and Iranis of India but also of the Zoroastrian community throughout the world.          ERUCH J. BAMJI Calcutta Please provide more information about Iranian Zoroastrians and their culture and traditions, etc. HORRMUZ MINOO BULSARA Calcutta Quite informative to read.       VISPY DALAL Wonderful platform for getting news of the community from a pan-India perspective. Deserves wider circulation. ZENOBIA D. DALAL Calcutta There has been a considerable improvement in the last two years. Please keep it up. Thanks for interesting reading. MINOO DARABSHAW DAMANIA Parsiana is very informative about our community and its wellbeing. KESHMIRA KAIZAD EDULJEE Secunderabad Berjis Desai’s columns are a treat to read. Were any of the characters part of the Bombay Parsi Punchayet at any time?! Dr and Mrs FARAM E. IRANI A fine publication with progressive views impacting a progressive community. Would it be possible to publish a page monthly or bi-monthly on the positive, non-controversial achievements of the Bombay Parsi Punchayet? Thanks. Cmde J. S. POSTWALLA The editors reply: Certainly, if the material is provided. Otherwise we have no way of knowing. ...

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