
M Pallonji

BPP: “Give the papers”

Blasting the majority Bombay Parsi Punchayet (BPP) trustees for denying access to trust papers to the minority trustees, Bombay High Court Justice Shahrukh Kathawalla on February 16, 2017 instructed Yazdi Desai, Noshir Dadrawala, Zarir Bhathena and Kersi Randeria to make available to Armaity Tirandaz and Viraf Mehta the concerned documents. The judge stated that if there was a problem regarding leakage of confidential material, the trustees could approach the Charity Commissioner (CC) "and get an order… You (the majority trustees) are nobody to take such a decision” (denying papers to co-trustees). Appearing for the four trustees, lawyer Janak Dwarkadas explained that......

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