“PGH: Losses increase”

It was disheartening to read about the losses incurred by The B. D. Petit Parsee General Hospital ("PGH: Losses increase,” Events and Personalities, Parsiana, February 7-20, 2024). You have mentioned declining numbers as one reason for the losses at the PGH. Desperate diseases demand desperate remedies. There are two possible remedies for the trustees to ponder: convert a part of the Hospital for cosmopolitan use and take a re-look at Medanta’s proposals to outwit the naysayers.       B. T. DASTUR dasturbehram@gmail.com ...

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I wholeheartedly endorse and support Mr B.T. Dastur's view on saving PGH from financial ruin. If there are genuine legal impediments to implementing his suggestions, then their removal should be taken up on top priority.
- Kersasp Rustam Dadachanji
- 10-Mar-2024


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