Do you have a G6PD enzyme deficiency?

G6PD Deficiency Drugs to Avoid and Other Contraindicated Substances (Extracted from:

Low Risk drugs, medicine, foods and other substances below MAY be safe at normal theraputic doses. People with Class 1 G6PD Deficiency (ie: Mediterranean variant among others) may still react to low risk substances. Consult with your physician before using any of these substances.

We try our best to keep this list up to date, but the constant influx of new drugs, medicines and research makes this task quite difficult. To be safe the following classes of drugs, medicines and other substances should be avoided if at all possible.

1. NSAIDS (Aspirin, Ibuprofen)

2. Tylenol

3. Quinolones

4. Drugs metabolized through the liver or known to cause blood or liver related problems or hemolysis

5. Sulfa drugs

6. Petrochemically derived substances (This is a long list and gets longer every year. Many artificial foods, dyes and vitamins are included in this list.)

7. Moth balls and anything containing naphthalene.

8. Artificial food coloring (Methylene and Toluidine blue

When in doubt, the safest course of action is to avoid the substance. If you react to something not on this list, avoid that substance in the future. Watch carefully for hemolysis signs at all times.

Contraindicated Substances for G6PD Deficient Patients

Avoid moth balls, artificial blue food color, legumes (fava beans, beans, peas, peanuts, soy, lentils, etc.), sulfites, tonic water. Please read all labels on processed foods before feeding to patient.

Substances labeled Low Risk MAY be given safely at normal therapeutic doses UNLESS the patient is severely G6PD Deficient or has chronic non-spherocytic hemolytic anemia. There is no guarantee that low risk drugs will not cause hemolysis. Please see for more information.

A diet rich in antioxidant foods is recommended to help minimize the effects of oxidative stress and the resultant hemolysis. Vitamins B6, B12, folic acid and NAC are also important.

Acetaminophen - Low Risk

Acetanilid - High Risk

Acetylphenylhydrazine -

High Risk

Aminophenazone - High Risk

Antazoline - Low Risk

Antipyrine - Low Risk

Ascorbic Acid - Low Risk

Aspirin - High Risk

Astemizole – Risk

Beta-Naphthol - High Risk

Celebrex - High Risk

Chloramphenicol - High Risk

Chloroquine - High Risk

Ciprofloxacin - High Risk

Colchicine - Low Risk

Dapsone - High Risk

Dimercaprol - High Risk

Diphenhydramine - Low Risk

Dopamine - Low Risk

Doxorubicin - High Risk

Ethanol - High Risk

Furazolidone - High Risk

Furosemide - High Risk

Gadopentetate dimeglumine – High Risk

Glucosulfone - High Risk

Glyburide - High Risk

Henna - High Risk

Ibuprofen - Low Risk

Isobutyl Nitrite - High Risk

Isoniazid - Low Risk

Lamotrigine - High Risk

Levofloxacin - High Risk

Lisinopril - high Risk

Magnevist – Risk

Mefloquine - High Risk

Menadiol Sodium Sulfate

(Vitamin K4 sodium sulfate) - High Risk

Menadione - High Risk

Menadione sodium Bisulfite (Vitamin K3 sodium bisulfite) - High Risk

Menthol - High Risk

Mesalazine - High Risk

Metformin - High Risk

Methylene Blue - High Risk

Mirtazapine - Low Risk

Moxifloxacin - High Risk

Nalidixic Acid - High Risk

Naphthalene - High Risk

Nimesulide - High Risk

Niridazole - High Risk

Nitrofurantoin - High Risk

Nitrofurazone - High Risk

Norfloxacin - Low Risk

Oxidase, Urate - High Risk

Pamaquine - High Risk

Para-Aminobenzoic Acid -

Low Risk

Pefloxacin - High Risk

Pentaquine - High Risk

Phenacetin - High Risk

Phenazopyridine - High Risk

Phenylbutazone - Low Risk

Phenylhydrazine - High Risk

Phenytoin - Low Risk

Primaquine - High Risk

Probenecid - High Risk

Procainamide - Low Risk

Proguanil - Low Risk

Pyrimethamine - Low Risk

Quinacrine - High Risk

Quinidine - Low Risk

Quinine - Low Risk

Stibophen - High Risk

Streptomycin - Low Risk

Sulfacetamide - High Risk

Sulfacytine - Low Risk

Sulfadiazine - Low Risk

Sulfadimidine - High Risk

Sulfafurazole - High Risk

Sulfaguanidine - Low Risk

Sulfamerazine - Low Risk

Sulfamethoxazole - High Risk

Sulfamethoxypyridazine -

Low Risk

Sulfanilamide - High Risk

Sulfapyridine - High Risk

Sulfasalazine - High Risk

Sulfathiazole - High Risk

Sulfonylurea - Low Risk

Sulfoxone - High Risk

Tamsulosin - High Risk

Tiaprofenic Acid - Low Risk

Toluidine Blue - High Risk

Trihexyphenidyl - Low Risk

Trimethoprim - Low Risk

Trinitrotoluene - High Risk

Tripelennamine - Low Risk

Vitamin K1 - Low Risk