I wish to convey my heartiest congrtulations to the Editor of Parsiana for a beautifully crafted and articulated editorial in the issue dated May 21 - June 6.Most of our jounals emphasise the glorious past. What we need is a discussion on the preent crisis and ways and means to overcome it. This editorial focuses on one of the issues facing the community today.I would like to read of many such comments in the future. We need discussion and above all else a clear direction to follow.I shall be pleased to read editorial comments on, for example; mixed marriages - why are they on the increas?,navjotes of the offspring of such unions, why are we so gainst them?Conversion/adoption. Even after ALL head priests at the time of the trial of the Navjote of the FRench wife of Rattan Tata, observed that conversion is an essential part of our religion, why are so many against it, over a hundred years after this event? And mny more such matters - Yezad Kapadia - 01-Jun-2024