Membership magic

"Most people think that to be healthy and live a long life we need to exercise and eat a certain magical diet, but the fact is that the single greatest thing you can do for your health is to become a member of the Zoroastrian Society of Ontario (ZSO) and participate in the events of the Mehraban Guiv Darbe Mehr!” wrote Bahram Jam in the ZSO newsletter of April 2024 reminding readers that "our feelings of inclusion in our relationships and communities are the single greatest predictor of health…    Mehraban Guiv Darbe Mehr in Ontario "Since we live in an age where more and more people are sensing less of a social connection within their communities and are feeling lonelier and more isolated…the small annual membership fee that gives you and your family a sense of connection and belonging is actually priceless. I want to urge fellow Zoroastrians to not take this community for granted,” he explained his rationale. Jam further urged members to participate in as many events as possible and when attending an event, "make a conscious effort to introduce yourself to someone you don’t know well” thereby making a new friend and making him/her feel welcome.   ...

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Sadly I have heard from friends that they do NOT feel welcome at these socials IF they do not go with friends and walk in alone. Our community is clickish and so new persons soon stop attending. Of course the distances to travel is another discouraging factor.
- Sunnu Golwalla
- 20-Jun-2024


Sadly I have heard from friends that they do NOT feel welcome at these socials IF they do not go with friends and walk in alone. Our community is clickish and so new persons soon stop attending. Of course the distances to travel is another discouraging factor.
- Sunnu Golwalla
- 20-Jun-2024