Subscribers’ comments

Subscribers’ views on Parsiana/the community as expressed on the subscription renewal form are published. Unless another name is affixed to the remarks, Parsiana assumes they are written by the subscriber. We need to discuss why Parsi girls are not producing kids but concentrating on their work and profession. Interfaith marriage is common and a norm with each family. We have to change with the times. Col F. B. ALLAVALI Bhopal Very interesting and absorbing. Please continue your mission. DARA DINSHAW AVARI Thank you for interesting information. VERA BILIMORIA Your truthful, timely and accurate journalism challenges the readers intellectually. It awakens the conscience and motivates and galvanizes the community to action.             NADIRSHAW K. DHONDY Love reading the articles of this magazine. I read it from the first page to the end and enjoy it very much. SAM DARABSHAH PATEL ...

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