Ranji’s survival

Ranji Agiary’s predicament symbolizes the difficulties that plague many fire temples
Farrokh Jijina

"Ekdum khotti vaat chhè (The story is incorrect),” stated Ervad Darayus Bajan, a trustee at the Ervad Sorabji Hormusji Ranji Agiary off Grant Road. Parsiana was inquiring regarding a news item in the Parsi Junction (PJ) of May 5, 2024 which stated that the fire temple, bereft of devotees, was "virtually locked down except (for the) mobeds of Cama Baug Agiary who come to give boi every day.” Bajan declined to respond to a questionnaire we proposed sending him. "Hoo jawab nai aapas (I will not respond),” he stated.  Our queries included the names of the current trustees; how many devotees......

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