
"The illnesses musicians suffer  are much the same as you and I do — colds, flus, fevers. And something peculiar to musicians — nervousness, right before concerts. This required me to prescribe  medicines which would help them calm down but not affect their  focus and concentration.”  Dr Cavas Bilimoria, former physician  to the Symphony Orchestra of India, sunday mid-day, March 3, 2024 "Infected wounds are like bottled up emotions. If you don’t make space for them, they’re going to blow up sooner or later.” Dr Mazda Turel, practicing neurosurgeon, Wockhardt Hospitals and honorary  assistant professor of neurosurgery,  Grant Medical College and Sir J. J.  Group of Hospitals, sunday mid-day,  April 14, 2024 "For......

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That's an excellent quote from Mr. Naushad Forbes. However, I think the impact of his statement would have been more credible and useful, had he mentioned the current "walking, talking disasters" that are ruining their nations and torturing segments of their populations.
- Yezdyar Kaoosji
- 23-May-2024