WZCC awards nominations

Every year the World Zarathushti Chamber of Commerce (WZCC) honors Zarathushti individuals globally by presenting Outstanding Zarathushti Awards in five categories: Outstanding Zarathushti Entrepreneur, Outstanding Zarathushti Professional, Outstanding Young Zarathushti Entrepreneur (age up to 35 years), Outstanding Young Zarathushti Professional (age up to 35 years) and Outstanding Zarathushti Social Entrepreneur. The criteria/details for nomination for the year 2023 are available on  https://wzcc.org/nomination-package-2023/  The sponsor must be a member of the WZCC though the person nominated need not be one. The last date for receiving nominations is September 30, 2023. Awardees will be publicly recognized at the WZCC annual general meeting and conclave scheduled to be held in Poona in January 2024.                         ASPI ANTIA Chief Executive Officer World Zarathushti Chamber of Commerce wzcc@wzcc.org...

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