M Pallonji

Succor for seniors

Helping Hands for Seniors, founded by the World Alliance for Parsi Irani Zarthoshtis (WAPIZ), is a project for "those helpless senior members of our community who have no one to look after them or have been abandoned by family and relatives.” Calling for volunteers, the organization noted that the elderly "have reached a stage where they can’t look after themselves physically or take care of their homes and belongings and they land up living in very unhygienic conditions, oftentimes malnourished. With no one to turn to (they) need help to live in dignity in clean homes with someone taking care......

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Very commendable work by WAPIZ.
- Arnavaz P Jal
- 21-May-2023

Auhra bless them for the good work they do!
- Sunnu Golwalla
- 25-Apr-2023


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