Navroz mubarak

We Zarthostis and some others around the world Navroz celebrate/ So a very happy Navroz I wish to one and all on this special date. Our population is decreasing by the day, and that too at a dangerous rate/ Many deaths, few births, many marrying out of the fold, is the current state/ This Navroz, can we not help ourselves; to change our own fate? Haven’t we had many discussions, conferences, arguments albeit/ But failed miserably we have, due to lack of love for our community; and a Parsi mate/ Aren’t we responsible for our own fate? Then, can we not change our fate? If we a little understanding, respect and love for the community inculcate/ Can’t we genuinely try and reverse this horrifying, sliding rate? Determine if we, to marry early, and within the fold, find our mate/ By Navroz next, maybe we can have babies 200; why then wait?    ARMIN DUTIA MOTASHAW Ahmedabad ...

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