Subscribers’ comments

Subscribers’ views on Parsiana/the community as expressed on the subscription renewal form are published. Unless another name is affixed to the remarks, Parsiana assumes they are written by the subscriber. Parsiana always carries a great blend of information, progressive views and humor and packs an interesting read. More strength to Parsiana! THRITY D. DADABHOY Eagerly await the copies of Parsiana since worldwide community news is available. A suggestion: A compiled list of old age homes in India for the Zoroastrian community will be helpful. SAROSH H. VAJIFDAR Jamshedpur The editors reply: For the aged infirm Bombay has the Parsi Ward at the Sir J. J. Hospital, the Gamadia Clinic, a ward at the Masina Hospital, while Navsari has the Abuwala Parsi Infirmary and Surat, the Parsi General Hospital. For the elderly who are mobile there is the F. S. Parukh Dharamshalla, the Pallonji Shapoorji Home for Senior Citizens of The B. D. Petit Parsee General Hospital and to some extent the Cama Convalescent Homes in Bombay. Navsari has three wings of The WZO (World Zoroastrian Organisation) Trust Funds Senior Citizens Centre, Surat the Nariman Home and Infirmary, and Devlali has the Dr K. N. Bahadurji Sanatorium Senior Citizens Home.  ...

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