Preserving agiary structures

I have been receiving many WhatsApp forwards of an angry nature written by agitated protectors of our glorious religious monuments, being upset at the prospect of eventually having to relinquish them to parjaats (non-Parsis) as the Parsi population steadily declines. These stalwarts become emotional when this question is discussed or reasonable solutions are suggested. In England, many churches that have no congregations are being used for purposes like community meeting places or are renovated to be used as residential quarters. Some have even been handed over to members of other faiths. In this way the structure is preserved and the building maintained. In India, encroachments are a very real danger. If we want to keep unused agiaries intact, we should find other uses for them so their ownership remains within our community.  In northern Maharashtra, I have seen what happens to beautiful, old deserted Hindu temples. They are used as toilets by humans as well as wandering cattle. I shudder to think that this could be the fate of our religious structures when no one is left to worship in them. ABAN MUKHERJI ...

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Linking your excellent idea of re-purposing religious property uses, to the editorial in the last Parsiana issue: How about converting the properties to productive uses like housing and hospice care for seniors who lack effective support systems or resources?
- Yezdyar Kaoosji
- 23-May-2024


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