The sylvan surroundings of the simple structure of the Hormusji Dadabhoy Saher Agiary reverberated with jashan prayers recited by seven priests to mark the 178th salgirah of the fire temple on January 22, 2024. About 30 community members attended. A humbandagi and partaking of the chashni followed.
A note from the Agiary trust office states that Manockjee Dadabhoy and Nassarwanji Dinshaw built the fire temple in memory of Hormusji in 1846 with funds from Saher’s estate. "There is an original marble plaque in the Agiary.” Marzban Giara states in Global Directory of Zoroastrian Fire Temples that the place of worship was built at a cost of Rs 13,000 and Rs 11,000 was set aside for maintenance by the founders.
Head priest Ervad Jal Katrak was joined in the jashan by Ervads Adil Bhesania, Daraius Bajan, Patrasp Bajan, Hormuz Dadachanji, Porus Katrak and Meher Modi. F. J.
Top: jashan to celebrate the salgirah of H. D. Saher Agiary (above)