M Pallonji

Poona’s new playground

Poona’s newest community organization, the Pune Zoroastrian Sports Association (PZSA), with careful planning and... enthusiastic involvement, unveiled an "approximately 5,000 sq ft” playground at the Bai Manekbai P. B. Jeejeebhoy Colony on April 13, 2024, noted PZSA secretary Kainaz Mehta. Two exhibition matches were played: volleyball by the residents of the Colony and football between by the children of J. N. Petit Technical School and the Colony children. Tombola followed, "engaging participants of all ages.” Mehta’s note on the event was forwarded by PZSA committee member and joint honorary secretary of the Poona Zarthosti Seva Mandal, Mabrin Nanavatti, who also......

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