Religiously relevant

We need to impart spiritual lessons in a contemporary manner rather than merely pray by rote
Yezdyar S. Kaoosji

Crass as it may sound, I may safely assume that most Parsi Zoroastrians like me have no clue about the meaning of what the priests utter during religious rituals. We are, however, always respectful and sit in reverent silence watching them. We follow each other in making meaningless gestures of respect when the priests utter the name of an ancestor, or more often a benefactor of the fire temple, as part of the prayer ceremony. When the priests depart, we line up by seniority to genuflect at the afarganiu and place sandalwood chips and loban on the fire. While rising,......

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Excellent. Well articulated.
- Yezad Kapadia
- 12-Aug-2023