“Nirang: Is it all bull?”

Bull’s-eye! Berjis Desai’s brilliant tongue-in-cheek article adroitly focuses on the most misunderstood, misused Zoroastrian tradition — the use of a bull’s urine in Zoroastrian rituals/ceremonies ("Nirang: Is it all bull?” Parsiana, August 7-20, 2022). Ervad (Dr) Jivanji J. Modi in his The Religious Ceremonies and Customs of the Parsees correctly states: "Cow’s urine was believed by the ancient Zoroastrians to possess disinfecting properties.” He notes ancient Zoroastrians sprinkled bull’s urine around contaminated areas to combat bacterial proliferation. The human body (skin, hair, gastrointestinal tract, etc), home to millions of dangerous yet essential microorganisms, is protected by the body’s natural immune system.......

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Glad Meheryar Rivetna wrote on the subject. He DOES speak for many of us. I do wonder where this practice came from and who started it. However for various reasons Zoros are unable to practice it today, thank God!
- Sunnu Golwalla
- 10-Sep-2022


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