Editorial Viewpoint

So they say

  • Quotes

    "Try and remember me beloved as the flower you plucked...

Readers' Forum

Events & Personalities

  • Opposing uniformity - Farrokh Jijina

    The chairman of the 22nd Law Commission, Justice Ritu Raj...
  • Lens on community - Farroikh Jijina

    "There is a fixed, designated place for every little knick-knack…...
  • Poona’s Parsi plays - Farrokh Jijina

    Described as a comedy of errors with laughter, surprises and...
  • Calcutta Club committee - Farrokh Jijina

    Rustom Daroga has been reelected president of the 115-year old...
  • Agiary attracts tourists - Farrokh Jijina

    "It is now a historical building with special significance for...
  • Debara’s dedication - Farrokh Jijina

    A doughty community and environmental activist, Omim Debara who passed...
  • Parsi girl greets - Farrokh Jijina

     An image of the figurine of a young Parsi girl...
  • Alexandra is 160 - Farrokh Jijina

    A new logo and a donation drive for 160 items...
  • Saving the vultures - Farrokh Jijina

    In a move to protect vultures, the government has banned...

Zoroastrians Abroad

  • Buoyed for boi - Parinaz Gandhi

    The priests attending the Young Mobed Training course conducted at...
  • Iconic influence - Parinaz Gandhi

    "Ancient Zoroastrian symbols adorn top US government buildings,” read the...
  • Art actualization - Parinaz Gandhi

    The rituals and celebrations associated with Navroz have fascinated 18-year-old...

Cover Story

  • Dedicated to dogs - Sherene Vakil

    "Being with dogs keeps me active,” says 86-year-old Ratty Javeri,...


  • Culinary encounters - VIKRAM DOCTOR

    Parsi: From Persia to Bombay: Recipes and Tales from Ancient...
  • What’s in a name? - Farrokh Jijina

    When Poona-based copywriter turned calligraphist Perin Pudumjee Coyaji was at...


  • Milestones - Roxan Driver

    Parsiana sources information for the Milestones column from various anjumans,...



  • Countering cancer - Text: Farrokh Jijina  Photos: Homyar Mistry — Homz

    A donation of Rs 25,000 given over 25 years ago...


  • Navroz nostalgia - Delara Kavina

    Navroz has always been special, though extravagance was never part...

Book Notes

  • Memoirs of Mhow - SHERENE VAKIL

    In his third book on the Parsis of this cantonment...
  • Rhymes for all times - Sherene Vakil

        Armin Dutia Motashaw       Armin Dutia Motashaw of Ahmedabad has...