Editorial Viewpoint

So they say

  • Quotes

    "The illnesses musicians suffer  are much the same as you and...


Readers' Forum

Events & Personalities

  • Adieu, Nariman - Farrokh Jijina

    "Fortitude in adversity, magnanimity in prosperity, eloquence in assembly, valor...
  • “Devil-opment?” - Farrokh Jijina

    Does Bombay need more parks or more parking lots? Coastal...
  • Hostel refurbished - Farrokh Jijina

    Twenty-eight "beautifully furnished” rooms are "now ready to welcome a...
  • Poona’s new playground - Farrokh Jijina

    Poona’s newest community organization, the Pune Zoroastrian Sports Association (PZSA),...
  • Fusing with fun - Farrokh Jijina

    "There was no unhealthy competition or fear of losing… There...
  • Fire temple as heritage - Beyniaz Edulji

    "As the world comes together to celebrate the richness of...
  • Gulbanoo, the gracious - Farrokh Jijina

    At the Jamshedi Navroz jashan at Secunderabad’s Seth Viccaji-Seth Pestonji...
  • Mehta’s magnanimity - Hoofrish Bisney

    An octogenarian with a heart brimming with compassion, Khorshed Mehta...
  • Valsad’s youth activity - Farrokh Jijina

    "We are planning one event every month,” stated businessman and...

Zoroastrians Abroad

  • FEZANA’s 10th president - Parinaz Gandhi

    "Change is necessary and allows new ideas to germinate and...
  • WiNE wizard - Parinaz Gandhi

    Co-founder and business head of Spenomatic Solar Home Solutions Ltd...
  • Membership magic - Parinaz Gandhi

    "Most people think that to be healthy and live a...

The Occasional Piece

Cover Story


  • Being Bhabha - VI - Bakhtiar Dadabhoy

    This extract from Homi J. Bhabha: A Life by Bakhtiar...
  • A mango metropolis? - Farrokh Jijina

    The manuscript was ready in 1983, typed on a Remington...


  • Milestones - Roxan Driver

    Parsiana sources information for the Milestones column from various anjumans,...


  • Ranji’s survival - Farrokh Jijina

    "Ekdum khotti vaat chhè (The story is incorrect),” stated Ervad...

Book Notes