Editorial Viewpoint

So they say

  • Quotes

    "In north India, Hindu nationalists clambered atop a mosque to...

Readers' Forum

  • “Return To Roots revived”

    While thanking you for the coverage "Return To Roots revived”...
  • Temple thoughts

    Parsis squabbling over internal matters is not surprising. Be it...
  • Tribute to a teacher

    The last member of two generations of distinguished schoolteachers from...
  • Subscribers’ comments

    Subscribers’ views on Parsiana/the community as expressed on the subscription...
  • Errata 1

    In "Actionable advice” (Parsiana, February 7-20, 2024) it was erroneously...
  • Errata 2

    In "Faith and fortune” (Parsiana, January 21-February 6, 2024). Khurshid...
  • Errata 3

    In the article "Officer of the Order” (Zoroastrians Abroad, Parsiana,...

Events & Personalities

  • Parsi Padma awardees - Farrokh Jijina

    Two Zoroastrians, Hormusji Cama, managing director of Bombay Samachar Private...
  • Godrej: A green giant - Farrokh Jijina

    For his efforts in steering the Godrej Group towards a...
  • Centenarian Cubs - Farrokh Jijina

    It is a "great achievement” that Sethna’s 18th West Bombay...
  • Poems, paintings, plays - Mehroo Kotval

    A slide displaying the artist’s paintings welcomed people to the...
  • Food and fun in Poona - Farrokh Jijina

    Enthused by the response to their third Parsi food festival...
  • “Diligent, vibrant, vivacious” - Farrokh Jijina

    The second function to mark the silver jubilee of Ahmedabad’s...
  • A tot of a writer - Farrokh Jijina

    Eight-year-old Binaisha Dastoor of Poona (pictured) has qualified to participate...
  • Saher’s 178th - Farrokh Jijina

    The sylvan surroundings of the simple structure of the Hormusji...
  • “Raising standards” - Farrokh Jijina

    The best present priests can give the community is knowledge,...

Zoroastrians Abroad

  • Metropolitan memorial - Parinaz Gandhi

    Considered to be one of the most architecturally significant buildings...
  • Fervor for the 40th - Parinaz Gandhi

    "To our community (that) surely has stood the test of...

The Occasional Piece

Politics and Policy

  • Bonds of benevolence - Parinaz Gandhi

    "The Zoroastrians of Pakistan are NOT a declining community, we...

Cover Story



  • Milestones - Roxan Driver

    Parsiana sources information for the Milestones column from various anjumans,...
  • Sharing Memories

    Ervad Nowroze Vazifdar (l)  performs the navjote ceremony of his grandson,...



  • Actors as activists - Farrokh Jijina

    A score and a year ago thespian Mahabanoo Mody-Kotwal brought...