Editorial Viewpoint

  • Taking the lead

    Has the leadership role of the Parsi and Zoroastrian community...

So they say

  • Quotes

      "If the question is, do we have a chance of...

Readers' Forum

Events & Personalities

  • Sketching fears - Farrokh Jijina

    It was a smack to his face that propelled visual...
  • Minority minister Irani - Farrokh Jijina

    The new minister of minority affairs (MMA) Smriti Irani is...
  • Public or private gain? - Farrokh Jijina

    Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) legislator Ashish Shelar has filed a...
  • Abridged Vani - Farrokh Jijina

    Vintage Parsi recipes can now enjoy a revival thanks to...
  • Respite for Rustom - Farrokh Jijina

    Their Candied Cream will continue to titillate palates, as will...
  • WhatsApp-a-Parsi - Farrokh Jijina

    Fancy some chicken farcha this Sunday? Or are you more...

Parsi Controversies

Cover Story

  • A creditable Congress - Text: Parinaz M.Gandhi • Photos: Jasmine D. Driver

    Thirty-six mobeds and mobedyars from different countries, in diverse age-groups,...


  • Living with lupus

    Lupus, you odd unnatural thing: a tale of auto-immunity by Shaista...
  • Haikus in harmony - SHIREEN J. VAKIL

    A Life In Poems by Sunita Jimmy Masani. Published in...


  • Milestones - Roxan Driver

    Parsiana sources information for the Milestones column from various anjumans,...

In Memoriam



Book Notes